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Created by David B. Talton Jr.

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Behind the Curtain - Ekolu Kapakahi and Countdown Livestream Tonight!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 11:33:05 AM

"A messenger came to them. 'Rejoice, for the triangle points all towards a bright future!'"

Race: 2/3 Human (Hawaiian), 1/3 Geometron (Triangle)

Power: Manipulation of Triangles

Occupation: High Centroid Triometron

Age: 33

Height: 5’1”

Birthplace: Unknown, Hawaii

Current Location: Bermuda

Likes: Physical triangles, contemplating the divine shape

Dislikes: Past attempts at understanding the divine shape

Ekolu, and many that came before her, devote their lives to the divine shape of the triangle. Passages teach of the shape that will point one towards divinity if one only knows how to walk its path. She gathers all that will listen, teaching them her beliefs. Her teachings are strict, and any that fail to practice what she preaches suffer the consequences.

Those that have failed in the past, famous mathematicians and philosophers, bring her no end of grief. For too long has the sacred shape been tarnished. Its glory must be restored, by her hand alone. Heeding whispers only she can hear, Ekolu realizes that the time of her ascension is at hand, and her vigilance shall soon be rewarded…

Now with updated graphic design!

Ekolu uses her connection to the sacred shape to cast divine judgment on those who cross her path. If she is able to complete all three patterns each round, all bullets with the number 3 in her sight are sent directly to the opponent. In exchange, to reflect the shackles of her imperfect form, she must persevere with only 9 patterns, 6 AP, and 3 life.

Countdown Livestream!

Join Brad, Marco and I tonight for a livestream at 10:45pm MDT (that's 9:45pm PDT, 12:45am EDT). We'll be chatting with you all during the final hour of the project. If there's any Bullet ❤ questions you have, we'd be happy to answer them! Stop by and help us finish strong!

Behind the Curtain - Young-Ja Kim
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 09:00:54 PM

Race: Human (Korean)

Power: Gwisin Form, Object Possession

Occupation: None

Age: 371 (appears 11)

Height: 4’7”

Birthplace: Yongin, South Korea

Current Location: Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, South Korea

Likes: Her MP3 Player, pranks, screams

Dislikes: Silence, oblivious people, ghosts

Young-Ja currently resides in an abandoned hospital in Seoul where she terrorizes any that come near. She derives endless joy from this, coming up with creative ways to utilize her surroundings for new pranks. Her ghostly form and powers make this trivial, utilizing the entire hospital for her mischievous whims. The recent surge of magical powers amongst the people and defense against alien invaders have boldened the populous, causing them to investigate the mysterious hospital haunting. Young-Ja excitedly views this as a chance to test her centuries of skill against a new set of challengers.

In her youth, she was afflicted with a form of bone cancer that required immediate surgery to be rectified. Tragically, the surgery went awry and she was left at death’s door. She awoke in a wheelchair, confused but happy that she seemed to have survived. What pleased her more was her newfound powers that quickly made the hospital deserted. Since then, she has forgotten most of her past, except the thrill of screams around her.

Young-Ja plays a very different game of Bullet than most heroines, using her powers of manipulation to affect bullets in her sight. Each of her patterns have arrows that move bullets in the direction indicated. If a bullet would move out of her sight, it is cleared and sent to the opponent. In this way, she literally throws bullets at her enemies. This unique way of movement allows other bullets to be pushed along with it, affecting large sections of her sight at once to set up for future placements.

Behind the Curtain - Senka Kasun
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 09:28:04 PM

"The target's in sight."

Race: Human (Serbian)

Power: “Living Dead” - Ability to pull people from the past into the present

Occupation: Protector, Hitwoman

Age: 27

Height: 5’5”

Birthplace: Rečica (Kladovo), Serbia

Current Location: Rome, Italy

Likes: Cigarettes, smoking, old world movies

Dislikes: Clients, her reputation, her past

During the day, Senka protects average citizens from extraterrestrial threats as a Protector. In largely populated areas, magic users are often hired to protect people as a backup if conventional weaponry fails. While death has been kept to a minimum in areas where these people are hired, they are still too few to fully stop the destruction that stems from those beyond the stars.

At night, she prowls the criminal underworld as a professional hitwoman. She never meets directly with her clients and always finishes the job within minutes of accepting. Feared by all who know of her skill, she has earned the nickname “The Bauk” after a savage creature from her homeland. Anyone experiencing her Living Dead power quickly meets their end, along with anyone that sees it shortly thereafter.

Senka wields her shape-changing bioweapon, Catherine, into the fray, targeting any bullets that come into her sights. She places crosshairs down, which her patterns require as part of their configuration. Each crosshair can form its own configuration, so each pattern can activate multiple times if each of your crosshairs shows the correct pattern!

Behind the Curtain - Mariel Martin
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 04:33:06 PM

“You aliens or whatever better keep me busy.”

Race: Human (American)

Power: Function Imparting

Occupation: Acting Director, Watrous Valmora Municipal Development Department

Age: 18

Height: 5’6”

Birthplace: San Francisco, California

Current Location: Watrous Valmora, New Mexico

Likes: Paper, doing anything, old world movies

Dislikes:  Papercuts, boredom, rain

Mariel was never content with an average life. School, family, friends...nothing she engaged with staved off her ever-creeping nemesis boredom. At age 14, Mariel decided to leave home, setting her sights towards the vast abandoned expanses of New Mexico. Surely there, in the desolate wasteland left behind from magic missile tests and alien invasions, she’d find the space to do something truly interesting.

Upon arrival all she found was ruins of a lost age, which was expected, but also vast quantities of paper. Whether bound in leather or adorning the walls with multicolored patterns, this old world art form was everywhere, disposed of by a modern era with no need for unnecessary trinkets. Rebuilding society seemed just as interesting as anything else around, so she started folding paper. Lights for buildings, cars for streets, she didn’t question why any of it worked, she just kept folding. Sitting atop the highest skyscraper in the newly formed city of Watrous-Valmora, she realized that it would take a lot more than this to keep her boredom at bay.

Mariel gets involved in anything she thinks will keep her busy, so in Bullet she’s more than ready to get into the action by physically putting herself in her own sight. Being able to interact with bullets directly allows her to knock them around her board like a sliding puzzle or just remove them outright if they get too close. She also counts as a bullet in a pinch when you need to complete patterns.

Behind the Curtain - Rie Akagi
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 01:55:36 AM

"Why don't you come with me?"

Race: Human (Japanese)

Power: Fixation of time and space

Occupation: Kumicho, Akagi clan

Age: 22

Height: 5’11”

Birthplace: Osaka, Japan

Current Location: Tokyo, Japan

Likes: Asteroids baseball team, fighting, winning

Dislikes: Losing, eggs, cowards

Rie had always been fascinated with the stories of the Yakuza, a famous group of people that existed in Japan’s past. Much of the information about their organization has been lost to time, but what little is still known about their members has made them legendary mythological figures. A united family thousands of members strong, each with the strength of ten Oni. Rie intends to bring back this organization with her own two hands, gathering the strongest people she can find and putting herself at the head. Why? It seemed like a good idea at the time.

When she’s not forcefully challenging potential candidates, Rie can be found at her local baseball stadium, cheering on her favorite team in the league, the Asteroids. They may not have ever won a game, but she’s sure that this year will be something special. With her involvement in the Yakuza, at least they have some more fans to cheer them on from the stands, whether they want to or not.

Rie has the power to fixate her body on a specific point in time or space, allowing her to build up force to unleash powerful attacks or shrug off damage by never having taken it in the first place. Thankfully for her opponents she uses this power subconsciously and is unaware of how it works, so catching her off guard is always a possibility. In Bullet she uses this power to stay in the fight as long as possible. Each of her patterns indicates a color that she is safe from being hit by if that is the top pattern of her discard. She is also the only heroine to be able to recover from damage, forcing players to constantly keep her limited two life in mind.